Life is a Journey

live it with heart

Be Sent Life Restoration is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization offering guidance and coaching services on a sliding fee schedule.

Recover  your heart, redeem your story and gain momentum on your journey as you learn to have more depth and meaning in all your relationships.  Join Phil Herndon of Sage Hill & Stephanie Bessent of Be Sent Life Restoration for a 2-day therapeutic workshop.

Workshop Testimonial

“This workshop changed my life!  I always found myself in the cycle of “try harder”, “do better” and then I will be all that I am supposed to be, but it never seemed to work long term.  I desperately wanted to be free from those condemning voices in my head…”  

“Be Who You Are Made To Be, So You Can Do What You Are Made To Do”

– Dr. Chip Dodd


Loss of heart, numbing out, isolation, wanting to avoid pain, rage, resentment, depression, anxiety, addiction, avoiding people we love, saying yes to the things that harm us, self-rejection, co-dependency, perfectionism, people pleasing, and other unfulfilling behaviors become painfully familiar.  And although this is not how we want life to be, it seems as if our best efforts continue to bring us a painful result. 

Life doesn’t have to be this way.


Recover Your Heart.  Redeem Your Story.