I am passionate about helping people recover their hearts and redeem their stories in order to live fully, love deeply, and lead well.  My desire comes from walking out my own redemptive story, and living in fullness of life. 

I work with individuals and couples struggling in the journey of life.  Many times these struggles show up in the form of addiction, anxiety, depression, feeling inadequate, shame, relational struggles, burnout, and life transitions.   My guidance is grounded in the transformative work of Dr. Chip Dodd, founder of Sage Hill: A Social Impact Organization,  based in the Spiritual Root System™;  the training and leadership of Stephen James LPC-MHSP, founder and executive director of Sage Hill Counseling; and continued mentorship by Phil Herndon- MA, LPC-MHSP, NCC  of Sage Hill & Journey Pure CPE. 

I have been a Certified Life Coach since 2008, and continue to hold certification through Certified Coaches Alliance.

I’ve been involved with New Hope Recovery Ministries for 8 years, 3 of those was as a coach and guide for hurting women who had recently experienced betrayal from infidelity. We worked through safe disclosure process, personal plans, healthy boundaries, betrayal shame, gaining clarity, knowing feelings & needs, learning how to re-build a healthy relationship, how to trust, forgive and heal.


founder of be sent life restoration

How does your faith play out in your work?
 God is in the midst of writing beautiful, tragic, and faithful stories all the time.  I see Him as my guide, and I can trust He has a better plan for me than I could ever come up with for myself.  I trust the same for my clients.  I do realize my clients may not see this as truth for themselves, and that’s okay.

Five words to describe yourself?
Adventurous, tough, tender, loyal, resilient

What has surprised you most on your journey?
Everyone has a story and we are more similar than we could ever imagine.  The deeper I go on this journey, the more I realize what fullness of life is and the beauty and mystery that it brings. 

Where are you from?
Anchorage, Alaska

Married to my husband in 2004, and have 2 beautiful kids, Alainie & Josiah

3 dogs, and my daughter’s hairless rat

What do I enjoy doing?
Going to the dog park with my kids and dogs, coffee with friends, and cycling