
We all have a lens that we view life through. This lens comes from our own life experiences; tragedy, hurts, joys, loss, and celebrations. No one has made it this far in life without struggle and pain. We have developed survival skills to try and make life work, however, many times we are left empty and unfulfilled. We bring our damaged souls into relationships with other survivors, and begin our repetitive relational dances, merely surviving. Doing this dance over and over and expecting a different result is true insanity.

Whether you have experienced betrayal and infidelity, feel like you are missing each other through poor communication or something in between, there is hope and healing. Having the willingness to meet with someone else is the first step to a new dance. Providing a safe environment, exploring your story, and learning tools to be seen, known, and felt by your partner will move you toward the relationship you have always longed for, experiencing true intimacy (In-To-Me-See).