Live Fully workshop

This 2-day therapeutic workshop is designed to help you recover your heart, redeem your story and allow you to have a greater understanding of yourself.  This will open up intentional pathways to connect more deeply in intimacy with yourself, God, and those around you.   Through the lens of the Spiritual Root System, teaching, small group process, and reflection participants will grow emotionally, spiritually and gain momentum on their journey.

This 15 hours of therapeutic care is equivalent to more than 3 months of counseling in 2-days.


INVESTMENT – $695 per participant 

Payment options available upon request

LIMIT – 8 participants 

Friday 8:30-5:00 
Saturday 8:30-5:00

        12:00-1:00 break for lunch each day

Connect Church – 3351 W. 31st, Lawrence, KS

Sage Hill & Be Sent Life Restoration Workshops use the transformative power of the Spiritual Root System to help you grow and change.


Phil Herndon, MA, LPC-MHSP            
Clinical Director of Sage Hill              

             Stephanie Bessent, Life Coach
       Founder of Be Sent Life Restoration

Phil is the Clinical Director of Sage Hill Murfreesboro, Clinical Director of Journey Pure  Recovery Center, and Author of Voice of the Heart Bible Study.

Phil uses a dynamic approach to help his clients recover their hearts and redeem their stories. His therapeutic approach is grounded in the Spiritual Root System™, and is informed by the work of Irvin Yalom and Dan Allender. He also integrates perspectives from Judeo-Christian traditions, existential philosophy, and pastoral care. Phil works with individuals who have lost their way through addiction, anxiety, depression, struggles with spirituality or burnout to walk them through the tumultuous and scary times that are so common to the human experience.

Phil worked in the trucking business through college and after college until finally realizing his true passion was helping people walk through difficulties and heartache. He completed graduate school in 1992 with Master of Arts degrees in counseling and religious education.
He served as a pastor in Texas for 15 years until joining Center for Professional Excellence in 2005 where he has served as Clinical Director until the present.

Phil lives in Murfreesboro with his wife Sheila and they have one son, Luke.

Stephanie passionate about helping people recover their hearts and redeem their stories in order to live fully, love deeply, and lead well.  Her desire comes from walking out my own redemptive story, and living in fullness of life. 

She works with individuals and couples struggling in the journey of life.  Many times these struggles show up in the form of addiction, anxiety, depression, feeling inadequate, shame, relational struggles, burnout, and life transitions.   My guidance is grounded in the transformative work of Dr. Chip Dodd, founder of Sage Hill: A Social Impact Organization,  based in the Spiritual Root System™;  the training and leadership of Stephen James LPC-MHSP, founder and executive director of Sage Hill Counseling; and continued mentorship by Phil Herndon- MA, LPC-MHSP, NCC  of Sage Hill & Journey Pure CPE. 

She has been a Certified Life Coach since 2008, and continue to hold certification through Certified Coaches Alliance.

She has been involved with New Hope Recovery Ministries for 8 years, 3 of those was as a coach and guide for hurting women who had recently experienced betrayal from infidelity.

Stephanie is married to Tony and has 2 children, Alainie & Josiah.




…”I desperately wanted to be free from the condemning voices in my head; be free from the fear and shame I carried from my past and live a life where I had true intimacy and connection with God and others.  However, it always seemed just beyond reach no matter how hard I tried and I was exhausted.  

That all changed one weekend in Lawrence, KS.  I realized the solution was not “try harder” and “do better” it was simply to tell the truth, be honest with your feelings and identify what the emotions are that are causing you to do what you do.  On the outside, I appeared to have the perfect life but on the inside, I did not care if I lived or died.  I did not realize it, but I was actually the walking dead all those years prior.  It was not until this weekend, and with continued work in the process, that I became fully alive and now I desire and experience deep and meaningful relationships as I am honest with others and I now get to live abundantly.

With my new perspective and my eyes open, I fell like the boy in Sixth Sense, “I see dead people”.  So many around me are just like I used to be.  Acting alive but on the inside they are emotionally and experientially dead.  I encourage you to come to this workshop and learn how to be fully alive and live as you were intended and created to be”.  -Mike

“I can not emphasize enough, how impactful the two day workshop has been for me. The teachings were foundational life skills explained through experiential stories. Every part of the workshop worked together to connect myself to my heart (a tiny voice of a me that had long ago been shut up and left behind). Fears that held me back for my whole life were shattered. If I had to recommend one class, one book, one group (and I have been a part of many) I would recommend this workshop as the very best thing I have ever done for myself. It has truly freed me towards living more fully!” 

“The “Living Fully Workshop” put the puzzle pieces of my life together in a way that made sense and spoke to my true heart. I finally understand why my long-established patterns of relating and communicating were neither working nor fulfilling. The workshop taught me how to recognize my feelings, understand what I need and how to share both with others. It also helped me to understand and embrace how God is an essential, integral part of the entire process. Stephanie and Phil are skilled teachers and amazingly intuitive. Together, they made this a lifechanging experience.”