
Navigating Re-Opening

What’s right for me?  How do I make decisions around re-opening?  As we begin to be released from stay at home orders, the question becomes what will this look like?  I read a Facebook Post earlier this week that I really liked.  It reminded me that just as we each handled the shut-down differently, we will each handle the re-opening differently as well.  It also had me asking myself, how will I make decisions for myself and my family as the world begins to re-open?  Here is the post.  We’ll explore the question here in a minute. 

Be Kind.

And, how do I make decisions on this re-opening for myself and my family?  It seems like there is such conflicting information, how do I move forward?

First, as you proceed, look inward.  Check your gauges.  What are you feeling?  Some of you may be pretty unaware of feeling anything, but pay attention.  Start asking yourself questions.  How do I feel about going to the store?  How do I feel about being in a group of people?  Going to a restaurant?  Hanging out with friends?  As you ask yourself each question do you find your heart speeding up, your breathing get shallower, your body is telling you things, pay attention.

Fear brings us to a place of faith and wisdom, it prepares us for battle (or to go to the grocery store, or  re-entering society).  In my fear what do I need?  I need to wear a mask, or I need to go out early in the morning, or I need someone to shop for me.  Or I need to connect with another human being.

Shortly after the stay at home orders were dropped we were invited by friends to their house for s’mores.  It didn’t take much time to make that decision.  Yes we are going.  Both families have been following stay at home orders, and have been well.  It was so good to be with others we care about, connect, and share.  When it became time to go, I stood for a few seconds, staring into the coals of the fire, still aware of the scent of burning wood and sweet marshmallows.  I turned to my friend after checking my own insides, and not assuming she would be okay said, “I am going to give you a hug if that’s okay with you.”  She laughed light-heartedly, and nodded.  We embraced.  The warmth of a hug, my heart melted, deep meaningful connection.  The hug of another human being out-side of my family since quarantine.  I probably will remember that hug for a long time.

Be Sent Life Restoration is a 501(c)3 providing life restoration services on a sliding fee scale.  If you or someone you know have questions or are interested in these services you make contact us here.

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