What do people say?

The list of people I admire and trust as much as I do Stephanie Bessent is very short. Not only is she one of the most skilled people helpers I have ever had the privilege of knowing, her impeccable character, courage, love and tenacious faith are rare, and genuine. I have known Stephanie for many years and have often said if someone I love is in need of help, one of my first thoughts would be "get him/her to Stephanie."
Phil Herndon
Working with Steph has been the surest way of knowing what I need; in my track record ability of not knowing. Steph helps me see where I "start" and "end". Her encouragement and support of setting healthy boundaries has taught me that it is ok to take up space and to have a voice. What has impacted me the most though has been the relationship that has come while working with her.
Amber Urbina


"Stephanie has been a tremendous help for me over the last 2.5 years. She has helped me recognize and process my feelings surrounding some challenging situations in my life. She has helped me establish tools that have allowed me to set and hold boundaries, which I have never done before. With her guidance and help, in a safe environment, I have been able to grow in all my relationships."
"Stephanie is a light, a beacon, a tangible, solid, unshakeable, lighthouse that stands on the shore of chaos and points to hope and healing and peace to all those floundering and trying to tread alone."
Maria Craft
New Hope Recovery Leader
"I started meeting with Stephanie a few months ago. I knew that I was in a pit of depression and anxiety and I needed help. Emotionally, I had become "the walking dead," what I did not expect was for Steph to "give words" to what I was feeling; the feelings I had suppressed for so long. From my first visit, we started with a plan, step by step - I am starting to live again."

I reached a place where I was tired of being tired, numb and empty.  I was done living in toxic shame and regret.  I missed myself; the little girl who was free, who had fun and got dirty.  The girl who skinned up her knees from time to time.  I wanted her back, my true self!  Stephanie was truly a blessing from God that helped me to dig inward and find that girl again.  Stephanie taught me “it is far better to show up authentic and be rejected, than to be accepted for someone I am not.”  Using courage and vulnerability she helped me to embrace my feelings and taught me how to live fully and how to grieve well.  Stephanie showed me the way back to my true self.  She did not tell me what I wanted to hear, she told me what I NEEDED to hear.  However, she did so in a way that spoke love into me, not judgement, shame or disgust as many others will do.  Stephanie not only teaches life lived well, she walks it out everyday in her own life and shows that you are not alone in this.
